Thursday, March 6, 2025

Keep Calm and Read Scripture

It's hard to take our eyes off the news these days--and for good reason! We are a nation in tailspin. The only thing that's certain about our country's future is that our country's future is uncertain. There's so much we don't know and therefore wonder about; we'll likely never know the truth about many of the most important things that have happened and are about to happen. But here we are.

But we'd do well to stop and consider how we're not unique in world history on this point.

Think about all of the crazy things that have happened among the nations over the course of time. There have been innumerable bad actors, wicked leaders, shady deals, secrets, conspiracies, and manipulations. Nations have risen; nations have fallen. The people have had a voice; the people have been silenced. Leaders have honored God; leaders have attempted to mock God. But God will not be mocked.

Through all of these dire straits, what has the Church been doing? We've always been doing the same thing. We've prayed, we've proclaimed the gospel, we've gathered for fellowship, and there we prayed some more. You know what else the people of God have been doing? We've been hearing from the Lord in His word.

I want to encourage you today to make time--now more than ever--to enter into quiet time with God by opening your Bible in private. Spend time each day seeking the peace of the Lord that comes from the strong assurance of His promises. Prioritize the reading of Scripture, as though it is life and breath to you. In times like these, you get to experience in a deeper sense just how powerful God's message to us really is.

"Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near." Isaiah 55:6


  1. Amen! Thank you Jeremy: great wisdom here

  2. That's Wisdom to share. Thank you Jeremy!
